Camping Druivenland ***
Almene oplysninger
Camping Druivenland er en campingplads i Overijse, Vlaams-Brabant. Denne campingplads har pladser der er afmærkede, uden skygge og pladser med en smule skygge.Det er muligt at leje campingvogne og hytter.
Camping Druivenland er en campingplads i Overijse, Vlaams-Brabant. Denne campingplads har pladser der er afmærkede, uden skygge og pladser med en smule skygge.Det er muligt at leje campingvogne og hytter.
This inspector visits Camping Druivenland every year and inspects the campsite based on more than 200 facilities and other points. The inspector is an employee of ACSI and not affiliated with the campsite.
Rejseselskab: Par
This site is on the edge of the countryside in a small village, with the main town about 20 mins walk away.
There are many static and long-term pitches but they are in a separate area. The touring area of the site is a large gently sloping field with some shade around the edges, although not much. Toilet, washing up and laundry facilities were okay, but it\'s a strange set-up in a kind of basement. Incredibly, you have to pay 1 Euro for about 7 mins of hot water in the showers and wash basins which seems a bit of a liberty, given the fact that the pitch fees are not cheap. Also, the door markings for the toilets/showers are a bit confusing, but it\'s a mixed up world!
All in all, a quiet setting which was clean and functional and even though it\'s in a rural location, it\'s ideal for a trip into Brussels which is straightforward and involves taking a local bus and the metro system. Finally, be aware that you can only pay for the site fees in cash.
** Om de faciliteter, der står med fed skrift, ved vi, at de ikke er inkluderede i overnatningsprisen og koster ekstra. Vær opmærksom på at også faciliteter, der ikke står trykt med fed skrift, kan koste ekstra.
På A4/E411 frakørsel 3, så mod Overijse, så 1. vej til højre ad N218 (Nijvelsebaan) til campingpladsen.
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