Roches Campsite
Almene oplysninger
Roches Campsite er en campingplads i Wellingtonbridge, Leinster, beliggende ved havet. Det er muligt at leje telte, campingvogne og bungalows/hytter.
Roches Campsite er en campingplads i Wellingtonbridge, Leinster, beliggende ved havet. Det er muligt at leje telte, campingvogne og bungalows/hytter.
This inspector visits Roches Campsite every year and inspects the campsite based on more than 200 facilities and other points. The inspector is an employee of ACSI and not affiliated with the campsite.
Rejseselskab: Familie med børn, 4 – 12 år
It's an absolute disgrace that this fellow and his campsite are on the Visit Wexford website because he will ruin your experience of this lovely county. He is rude and he has no idea what it takes to work in the hospitality industry. There are words for people like him that are surely prohibited here for being foul, yet they would be quite fitting indeed. He completely ruined my visit with my family. On that topic quickly, there is nothing for children on this site yet it is advertised as family friendly. The price of the food is ridiculous for what it is but the lady in the chip van was pleasant and I pity her working there. Dog poo everywhere. Owners Dog, the only one off leash, peeing on tents. God help you if two Campervans meet on the road here, it's just a bad location. No visitors' parking. It smelled like a sewer. Is that enough? It's just a poorly made campsite in a nice location at a high price.
** Om de faciliteter, der står med fed skrift, ved vi, at de ikke er inkluderede i overnatningsprisen og koster ekstra. Vær opmærksom på at også faciliteter, der ikke står trykt med fed skrift, kan koste ekstra.
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