Camping Center Kekec ***
Almene oplysninger
Camping Center Kekec er en campingplads i Maribor. Denne campingplads har pladser der er afmærkede, uden skygge og pladser med en smule skygge.Campingpladset har en legeplads.
Camping Center Kekec er en campingplads i Maribor. Denne campingplads har pladser der er afmærkede, uden skygge og pladser med en smule skygge.Campingpladset har en legeplads.
This inspector visits Camping Center Kekec every year and inspects the campsite based on more than 200 facilities and other points. The inspector is an employee of ACSI and not affiliated with the campsite.
Rejseselskab: Par
This camping is nice but definitely not suitable for long stays in winter. The water connections at the pitch are off. Showers and toilets there are only 3 per gender but the showers are completely uncomfortable nowhere to sit or pit your stuff so you end up changing in the middle of the room which everyone can see you when the doors open and there is not even a bench there. Washing dishes is inside the toilets a total no go. For washing the clothes, the washing machine is inside the man‘s toilet and the dryer in the women‘s toilet. Also they don’t take any credit cards.
I think is a nice place for the sommer and the people are friendly but in winter is a total no go for the price. If you want to visit Maribor there is a free spot at the city center.
Rejseselskab: Senior(par)
Dogs not on leads my dog was very close to being set upon If it had not been picked her up.
Reported to site management who showed lack of concern and interest.
Pet owners beware.
** Om de faciliteter, der står med fed skrift, ved vi, at de ikke er inkluderede i overnatningsprisen og koster ekstra. Vær opmærksom på at også faciliteter, der ikke står trykt med fed skrift, kan koste ekstra.
Fra N på E57/A1 frakørsel mod Maribor mod H2, kør ignnem centrum af Maribor mod Ljubljana hen til trafiklysnene. Her til højre. Mod skilift Pohorje. Fra S på E57/A1 frakørsel Maribor vej H2. Efter Bauhaus 1. trafiklys til venstre. Mod skilift Pohorje.
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